home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Completed. Found
- Cancelled. Until then found
- no matching files.
- 1 matched file.
- remove resource
- update file
- missing/unknown keyword or incorrect resource for keyword
- incorrect argument(s)
- R Resource Removed
- D File Deleted
- Could not get old string list.
- Out of memory.
- 1 file scanned.
- files scanned.
- .log
- File name for log file:
- Could not create file
- Could not set creator
- Could not open file
- Could not set file position
- Error writing file
- Could not close file
- Could not get Finder info
- VirusDetective® 5.0.6 log for
- No Log
- VirusDetective® matched file:
- VirusDetective® Log File
- change resource
- delete file
- scan resource of file “
- (0x
- Could not scan resources of file because
- VirusDetective® encountered error(s) scanning because
- VD Search Strings
- Search Strings File Name:
- Error reading file
- you need to specify one of Filetype, Creator, Resource, dataFork or Executables
- an ‘&’ must be followed by a search type
- expecting end-of-line, ‘;’, ‘&’ or keyword
- must specify “dataFork” or resource-selector first and only one of them
- expecting a number
- expecting ‘=’, ‘≠’, ‘<’ or ‘>’
- may only specify Filetype and Creator once each
- Data/WData/LData search type must be the last search and exist only once
- only positive numbers allowed here
- must specify a resource-comp after a resource-selector
- expecting a single space here
- Type old password…
- Type new password…
- Retype new password…
- New passwords do not match. Old password unchanged.
- cannot specify “dataFork” and “Resource” in same search string
- this is not a valid data-comp
- cannot specify Filetype or Creator after “dataFork”
- “Executables” can only be pre-qualified with Filetype and/or Creator
- “Executables” test failed!
- <one or more files>
- <undetermined matching string>
- Open Alias
- Open Fldr
- Open Disk
- Scan Fldr
- Scan Disk
- Error reading partial resource
- cannot specify “Pos” after “Resource StartPos”
- search strings
- options
- VirusDetective Options
- Options Help
- VirusDetective Search Strings
- Search String Help
- VirusDetective File Information
- VirusDetective Resource Information
- >
- VirusDetective Password
- Append to List
- Read from File ‚åòF
- Scan Folder/Disk ‚åòN
- Scan All Disks
- VirusDetective® Help
- Release yours Caps Lock key and try again
- Text -> Clipboard ‚åòT